Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Day Off

I was off of work yesterday. I mostly just took it easy (you can tell these are pre-kids days). Heidi got my computer fixed! Thanks Heidi! She will probably have it mailed to me this week. Good thing, too, because I am going crazy without being able to work on my story! Know what I mean? You just think of something over and over again...but there is nothing you can do about it. Arguh! It's like wanting the Cubs to win. (That one was for my father...a huge Cubs fan)
We went to a neighborhood block party last night. It was nice to meet with the locals, as well as the law enforcement and firepeople that came to visit. Ben and I arew big fans of people who work those kind of jobs. They are the real heroes. I met up with my friend Renee, and she is working on reading my book. She said many kind things about it, and she gave me much encouragement. I really appreciate people like that in my life.
I'd like to dedicate this blog to my cousin Jason McDonald, who passed away recently. May God watch over the entire McDonald clan.
Joke of the day: Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?
People, don't forget to vote on my question to the right>>>>

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