Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Week Into School...

Hey Everybody! This is my first blog ever! Now people get to pretend like they care about my life! Brahahahhahahahahahahha!
A little too much? Remember, this is me you're talking about!
So, I have been in a college at Salt Lake Community College for a week now. I really like it, but it's hard work! I finished my first essay on Shinto (the main religion of Japan, not to be confused with Buddhism) the first day it was assigned. Am I a geek or what?
...I'm going with what.
Anywho, I sent it to the professor, James, and he only had one suggestion! Yea! And I honestly thought it was crap. I'm REALLY self-conscious about my writing.
Yea, yea, I'm sure it's really fine and all, but you try writing a book.
Yes, folks, I WAS working on a book called Fight Name. It's a vampire book. I stopped writing a little while ago. I'm not really sure why. Maybe it's writer's cramp. Maybe I realized it's not going to be published. I think with the right kind of help, like a really good editor, it could go somewhere. I think I'll write quote from it on this blog in the future. Tell me is you want it, folks!
Parents, I'm sorry, but I won't guarantee that it's going to be the cleanest book. Being Mormon and all, I promise that it will be rated PG-13 and less, but that's all. No rated R, pornographic crap in MY book!
I think one of the hardest things about writing is that I try to keep it funny. And I am funny, dammit! It's just difficult to do.
Ooo, ooo, here is the joke of the day/whenverIfeellikeit: If pro is the opposite of con, then what's the opposite of progress? Congress! Hardee-freakin-har, I'm funny!
Write to me, folks, and tell me how much you enjoyed this!


Richard and Katrina said...

Awesome Lacey :) you should keep up the jokes of the day, the congress joke was funny :)

batgirl said...

Welcome to the world of blogging, Lacey! Good luck with that PG-13 book!

Liqquidsnake said...
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Liqquidsnake said...

Lacey, you’re fascinatingly sufficient within the parameters of BLOG professionalism. Unbound you are to the craft and hysterically quick witted. I remain anxious and pedantic upon any additional scribe that graces your glorious and respectable perceptive mind. Also, this BLOG stuff “Kicks Ass!”

Paramount Internet said...

Good job starting up the blog Lacey!
Have my own new one at

And I'm curious about what Superhero you would be? ;)