Monday, September 1, 2008

Holiday Weekend

I'd like to wish a very happy birthday to my sister in law Jamie, and a happy birthday to my niece, Sarah. Sarah is a vivacious ten year old, a real cutie with ton of brains and personality. Congratulations to you both!
I'd also like to thank the people who actually read this fluff and grace it with your humorous comments. All except that small-brained-over-chested Heidi. Push me again, you beech, and I'll get medieval on you!
For those you you who don't know, which is pretty much everyone else, beech is the official nickname that Heidi and I have for each other, since it would be a bit inappropriate for us to swear at one another constantly. Not like that stops us of anything (you whore-sack, Heidi).
Sooooo....Who wants to know Heidi's real name? I swear I'll do it, beech!
I've decided, due to the overwhelming response of people encouraging me to write again (Not! Thanks for nuthin, people!), that maybe I'll write again this week. And maybe I'll find funny quote to put on this blog. I know you're dying to read it, people! 
I had to go to my father-in-laws and listen to his Obama-supporting craaaaaaap. Crap. It's crap. Did I mention it's crap? Cause it's crap. Horray for Republicans! 
Is everyone getting the gist that I'm conservative? Cause I am. I would have preferred Romney, but I guess McCain will have to do. Even if he is a bit wishy-washy with his policies. 
Ok, here is the part everyone has been waiting for: The joke of the wheneverIfeellikeit:
Once there was a University of Utah student and Brigham Young University student, walking down the beach (No, Heidi, not you. Calm yourself before you wet yourself). The students found a pretty bottle and fought over out. Out came a genie. The genie said, "Since you both had the bottle, you both get a wish." "Ooo, me first!" the Y student exclaimed. "I want you to build a wall all around Happy Valley (Provo, UT), so nothing can get in and nothing can get out." "Done," the genie said, snapping his fingers. "Wait a second," the U student said. "Nothing can get in, and nothing can out, right?" "Right!" the genie said. "Okay," the U student said with a smug smile. "Fill it with water."
I dedicate that one to my father, a proud graduate, with masters, from BYU.


Heidi Baxley said...

Whahhhhhhh look at me I'm Lacey I make fun of people that are obviously cooler then me! Check out my blogspot beach!
p.s. yo momma

bug and dude said...

We finally found your blog!!! Yea. I am glad that you entered the blog world. Here is our blog


ibelaura said...

Lacey I loved your joke =) hope to hear from you soon

Anonymous said...

I dunno what you're complaining about girl--you've got more readers than I do. I have to agree w/you on the politics stuff. I'm not over thrilled w/McCain, but since Romney gracefully bowed out, I might as well make my vote count and it WON'T be for Obama! You go girl! I didn't continue my story cuz I'm mad @ Gary tonight and can't get in the writing groove... but I'll get on it later...